Many times we saw insoles shopped pretty bad with scissors by the final user making the insoles uncomfortable.
Knowing how to draw and measure your insoles and/or shoes is really easy and you will get the correct size every time.
This guide works for any type of shoe and it is helpful since some shoes have specially shaped/contoured insoles to fit properly, from very wide work boots to very narrow and stylish pumps.
To get started all you will need is
1. a piece of paper
2. a ruler or measuring tape
3. a pen and the shoes
Letβs get started with the shoes that have a removable insole. This is the easiest, remove the insole from the shoe.
Before removing check that the insoles fit snuggly or note how narrow or loose they fit, so you can add extra width or reshape correctly the drawing of the insole.
insoles should contact firmly the sides, front and back.
Step 1.
Place the insole on the paper and trace it with the pen.
The pen should be held straight, do not push the pencil under the insole when tracing.
Correct the shape or width as needed.
Step 2. Take a ruler and measure the insoles. Measure the length, the width at the ball of the foot and the width at the heel area.
Step 3. Write the measurements on your trace and do not forget to specify inches or centimeters.
Shoes Without removable insoles
Just do the same step as the insole, trace the sole of the shoe.
Measure the bottom of the shoe, length, width at the ball of the foot and at the heel. If your shoe shows the seam on the sole, use it as a guide.
But if the shoe does not have a visible seam, then measure the edges around the shoe and draw it as a dotted line.
Write the measurements and write a note if it is the seam or the edges.
Almost done!
On the same paper write your name, shoe size, and E-mail. Send your drawing by fax, postal mail or as an attachment when scanned and converted to PDF or picture file.
We will notify you if the template is good to proceed with your order.
Things to have in mind when selecting thicker insoles
Dress shoes β have very limited toe room or no room at all to wear insoles. If this is your case, order thin insoles. But if you want more cushioning then you can use insoles that are 3/4 of a full-length insole. 3/4 insoles or sulcus size are trimmed on the toes.
Sneakers β Many sports shoes have insoles that are between 1/8β³ to 3/16β³ thick foams, check and see if it can accommodate a thicker insole, some can fit 1/4β³ thick foams.
Work Boots β Some work boots have a generous toe box room. they can easily fit 1/4β³ thick insoles.
Pumps β Have a very limited toe room, there is no room for insoles at the toe area, some can use thin insoles or insoles in a 3/4 length format to provide some cushioning at the ball of the foot or metatarsal heads, a double sided sticky tape might be used to hold flat insoles in position.
Many woman experience burning sensation for using high raised heels, a metatarsal pad may help to diminish this sensation.
Finally, many people benefit from the use of cushioned insoles and arch supports.
Love your feet β Do not wear too tight shoes β
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